Product: Vehicle Graphics

Location: Cincinnati, OH

Client: Advanced Electric and Life Changing Ministries

img_2077Using your vehicle to promote your business is one of the most cost effective way to bring in new business.

You may have heard that a vehicle wrap is great, but just too expensive for your business. Full vehicle wraps are quite expensive. The man hours for design and installation and the vinyl required to cover the vehicle is out of line with many budgets. Even though a full vehicle wrap is probably the most effective form of promoting your business using your vehicles, it’s not the only way.img_2122

A partial wrap or perhaps just some vinyl lettering can be almost just as effective. If your vehicle has a nice base color (i.e. white) then you have a great start to a relatively inexpensive and effective way to promote your business. A full wrap with lots of colors is exciting and draw attention of the viewer; however, vinyl lettering on a white background stands out just as much and will gain the attention of those who see it. Throw in a splash of color, like a logo, and you have an advertisement that will stand out for your customers to see at a cost that can fit in to your budget.

Van GraphicsAs you are driving down the road next time out, take a moment to notice vehicles that aren’t fully wrapped. You’ll be surprised how well they stand out and you can gather ideas for your own company vehicle.

Here at Cincinnati Custom signs, we can help you pick timg_2112hose contrasting colors that will make your vehicle stand out. We will work with you and your ideas to come up with a cost-effective strategy to use your vehicle as a moving billboard for your business. Please give us a call at 513-322-2559 or visited us in person at 2467 Crowne Point Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45241 or visit us virtually at so we can help with your vehicle graphics.

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