Sign removal is just as important as having a sign installed. Sign removal happens for countless reasons, such as the business closed or moved, rebranding or upgrading signage, or building repairs.
Site Survey
Signage removal is an involved process that impacts the interior and exterior of your building. A site visit may be conducted before removing the sign.

Due to age, and other components not all signage is removed intact or salvageable. Something to consider when having signage removed when relocating to another location.

A lot depends on the removal. For example, the size of the sign, location of the sign on the building, type of sign, the age of the sign, and how it was installed, are all factors to removing signage. Regardless of the purpose, the number one reason is SAFETY, as there are specific safety measures to follow.
Moving Locations
Sometimes a business moves into a new physical location. Therefore, the signage has to be removed from the location. Believe it or not, you can’t always install signs anywhere on your building or property due to building codes. Cincinnati Custom Signs can assist with all permitting.
However, if the sign style can stay the same, and the permits can be processed for the new location, not only can CCS remove the old sign, but we can install the same sign at the new location.
Mother Nature doesn’t always play fair. Weather conditions can cause damage, accidents, and outages. Depending on the severity of the damage our installers can often change bulbs or fix small issues on-site. For bigger repairs the sign may have to be removed for a time and the sign repaired off site. In its place, we can print a vinyl banner to keep your customers aware of your presence while we get your sign looking new and reinstalled.

Who removes business signs?

CCS has the skills and equipment to build, install, service, and remove signs. Just as you would call a sign company to install a sign, you would likewise call a sign company to remove a sign.
If you own your sign and would like to keep it, CCS is happy to remove the sign for you. Keep in mind you will need to pick up the sign on location. Otherwise, CCS will recycle the sign.
Significance starts With a Sign
Cincinnati Custom Signs offers custom designs and options for any budget. Cincinnati Custom Signs offers ideas and information to help with your sign project. Visit us online, at our store, or give us a call. We’d love to meet you and help build your new sign and we look forward to working with you.