Product: Main Entrance & Way Finding Signage
Client: Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Retreat Center
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati Custom Signs is dedicated to the rich history and culture of Cincinnati. We are entrusted with the job of providing professional signage for all our clients.
Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Retreat Center is one of these clients. Our Lady is steeped in historical geogology.
Founded in 1906, by Archbishop Henry Moeller. Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center is in the heart of Greater Cincinnati and sits on 13.1 acres of beautifully landscaped property in a residential area.

Post and Panel – Way Finding Signage
The clients vision teamed with expert project managers created wayfinding signage enhanced by the beautiful architecture of the historical buildings of the retreat center, and provides main campus, handicap parking ramp, and multiple entrances, in and throughout the facility.
Post and Panel Signage provides attractive signage products that support your companies brand and business. Wayfinding signage assists in managing the flow of traffic with clear directions and guidance to each location on site.
Post and panel signs accentuate a variety of signage options such as graphics, clear acrylic partitions, and slide-in sign toppers. Full color branded logos and messaging are ideal for creating high-visibility advertising and promotional displays. When choosing graphics Cincinnati Custom signs offers fade resistant UV-printed graphics, designed to last for years, and withstand the elements of seasonal weather conditions.
Post and panel signs are named after their two main components: their posts and their panels and vary in structure The posts are tailored to the height and width depending on the location, the business and surrounding locality. The double-sided panels provide visibility from multiple direction

Wayfinding Signage Manages Traffic Flow
Wayfinding and Directional signs are a subgroup of wayfinding signage. Both wayfinding and directional signs assist visitors in locating their desired destination in a large space. And provide visual clues, including maps, symbols and signs to make it as easy as possible to navigate within a building or space with clear and effective directions.

Cincinnati Custom Signs offer offers ideas and information to help you create the quality image that truly reflects your vision, you need for your project. options for every budget. Contact us at 513-322-2559 or drop by in person at 417 Northland Blvd., Cincinnati, OH 45240. Cincinnati Custom Signs.